Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy Halloween 2009

I have some learning to do on this new way of posting to the Blog. I can't figure out how to put captions with the pictures. So I'll just Post twice. We had a lot of fun carving pumpkins this year, I made Taco's for dinner and thought we needed something festive to drink. Should have maybe done Cider now that I'm writing it down that makes more sense than the Apple Beer that I did serve. Dalton didn't want any pictures of the Apple Beer consumption just in case someone were to get the wrong idea, he has to think of these things now that he is Majoring in Criminal Justice. His past Apple Beer drinking on Halloween, might come back to haunt him later. Ha ha... Haunt him! I hope you caught that! Anyway... Dalton's sweet girlfriend, MaCee and Cody's friend Chason were here with us to carve our pumpkins. Dalton took three days finding the ultimate Deer head to carve, big surprise, that's what he has done for the last three or four years now. MaCee had done her research earlier and found a great Batman with the bat, Dalton will tell you that she took three days to "gut" her pumpkin. Cody started out with a three headed dog, and when that plan went south, he turned his pumpkin around and started over. The book I got for carving patterns was rated from one to four pumpkins, one being the easy patterns, four being the advanced ones. This time he chose a one pumpkin pattern and away he went carving out a ghoul. Chason found the Godsmack Sun and it was looking good until the middle fell out, producing a bird, spider, rodent looking thing. I had plans to do the traditional Jack-O-Lantern, Dalton accused me of taking the easy way out so I found a three pumpkin pattern in the book and only messed it up a little bit... Mine was the caped scary guy. Scott came home in time to have a dried out taco and take some pictures of all of us. Thanks Hun!
If anyone had fun that night I did... I love these days. All my kids together, having a good time... It isn't gong to last so I really appreciate it when I get a chance to be with my kids.

Halloween Pumkin Carving 2009

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Cody's First Ever Mule Deer

"Come on Cody, put your hands up and celebrate!"
Nice 26" 3x4 Not bad for your first one!!
The side view.
Niiiiccceeee Buck!
Proud Dad!!!

Bush is proud too!

Antelope Hunt Wyoming October 2009

Scott, Dalton, Todd, Cody, Brad, Bush

Scott's, Dalton's, Todd's Bush's, Cody's, Brad's

Dalton and his antelope.

Cody with his Antelope

The Whole group had to celebrate with Scott, His was the last one to be shot. TOP: Todd Dickerson, Brad Payne, Bottom: Dalton, Cody, Scott, Don Bushman (Bush).

Don Bushman with his trophy. (those aren't small antlers, that's just a really big gun!!)

Todd Dickerson with his daughter Jordyn.

Brad Payne with the first shot of the hunt.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Elk Hunt 2008 Scott's 5x5

Minnie Maude Range. Nice 5x5 Elk.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Cody's First Day of his Sophmore year at Pleasant Grove High

This is the first day of High School for my youngest child... Wow! This one is almost as hard as sending him off to Kindergarten. I was blue about it all day.